Thailand Notary Public

Like most countries, a Thailand Notary Public is an official licensed by the state to carry out functions such as authenticate signatures or legal documents, and bear witness to affidavits of statements or persons under oath. Notarization of a document creates a guarantee regarding the authenticity of the document and its signatories.
Thailand Notary Public
Some lawyers are authorized to function as Public Notary Services Attorney in the country, as there are no notaries public in Thailand. It is the Lawyers Council of Thailand who does the regulating of the practice of notarial service in the country.
A Thai lawyer is required to pass a professional training course before he or she is registered as a Notarial Services Attorney.
For those needing other types of certification and authentication. You will most likely need to go to your country’s embassy, the embassy of the country to which the document is to be presented, or the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Dome cases, you will need to bring the document to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for further legalization after the document has been certified by a notarial attorney.
An authorized Notarial Attorney may execute the following:
- – Verify the authenticity of signatories in a legal document;
- – Certify the identity of parties involved in an agreement;
- – Administer oaths and affirmations;
- – Attest and certify certain classifications of documents;
- – Witness a signing of parties to a certain document;
For documents that has been generated in Thailand and needs to be processed in another country. The notarial services available from that country’s embassy may be utilized. Also, you may need the services of your country’s embassy if you have documents needed to be notarized while staying here in Thailand.
Thai notary public services in Thailand are increasing due to the number of elderly people having to sign documents. As requirements from their government, or their pension and insurance, which are needed yearly. These companies and organizations need to make sure that they are giving out the benefits to someone still alive. This where they can only trust the Thai public notaries to make those types of verification. Price of Thai notary services vary a lot from on to the other. Make sure that the individual signing the notary is a licensed notary in Thailand.